It will come as no surprise that the UK’s shrinking office phenomenon is gathering speed. Apparently prompted by the boom in “micro-homes”, commercial property has seen a significant size reduction, particularly in London. However, we wanted to take a look at the stats and find out whether this micro-trend had also seeped into the office environment.
Analysing the latest data on business floor space from the Valuation Office Agency, we found that between 2012 and 2016, the total office floor space in England and Wales grew by 0.06%. However, when looking into the office floor space per business in London, there has been a decline in recent years, of just over 24% between 2012 and 2016.
With this in mind for many offices across the UK, finding the best way to make the most of their limited space is crucial. We’ve put together our 5 simple ways to make the most of small office design, without sacrificing on style.
Open Space
To make an office appear as large as possible, we would recommend using the space to its full potential. Instead of using storage dividers or separate rooms, try opening up your space to create a larger and more inviting environment. A clever way of doing this is by fitting out with mirrors to create the illusion of space, installing bright and inviting lighting and using windows to make the most of the natural light
Colouring, or lack of, is another sneaky way to make your office appear larger than life. We usually recommend using bright, light colours to create the illusion of space. If you need a pop of colour in your office to stay on-brand we recommend using splashes of colour, feature designs or artwork around the room in order to maintain the openness without compromising on your style.
Clever storage and features
We offer a range of storage designs and features that can help any office utilise their space. From bespoke feature fit outs, to the simpler pieces such as movable desks and storage seating, we can advise you on the best solutions. Ideally, your storage facilities and furniture should be fitted to the rooms’ requirements, as this can create the illusion of space and will minimalise clutter throughout the office.
To have a look at some of our storage solutions, take a look here.
Go digital
Get rid of all the paper trails that your office may have and convert these documents to digital files. You’d be surprised how much space this can save, and the environmental advantages of doing so can make your office a greener place.
Draw the eye up
By installing shelving units high up near the ceiling it can draw the eye upwards and make your office space appear larger. Having bespoke and tailored fitting for this can help make the best use of the space.
If you need some inspiration and ideas following these top tips, find your own inspiration through our successful case studies, and start your journey today.