The Future of Workplace Design
Nina Patel • January 12, 2023

Since the pandemic, many areas of our lives appear to have gone back to normal. However, the surge in remote working throughout lockdowns has changed the modern workplace forever.

Now we know working out of the office is possible, workplaces are having to adapt in order to accommodate the needs of their employees. This has all been reinforced by the Orega Future of the Office Report 2022, which has delivered some interesting findings:

Agile workspace by Glenside

Agile & Hybrid Spaces are Essential

The report has shown that, since restrictions have been lifted, the ‘new normal’ shows that only 27% of UK workers now come into the office every day.

Since working from home became the norm throughout 2020, commuters don’t feel the need to make the trip into the office 5 days a week. What’s more, many employees found a way to make themselves comfortable at home and embrace the newfound control they had over their working environments.

This is why agile & hybrid spaces at work are now essential. Not every employee performs best by sitting at their desk cubicle all day. By creating flexible environments to accommodate the different working styles in your office, it can help keep your staff happy and ultimately help boost productivity.

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Sociable Breakout Spaces are In Demand

The findings also point to many enjoying the social aspect at work, as not everyone thrived from remote working. In fact, 42% of workers view their workplace having a social hub as being quite important.

This is also less than surprising, as most healthy workplace cultures promote a social aspect to their environments–so it’s vital that sociable employees have the breakout spaces to accommodate them.

At Glenside, we have years of experience in developing stunning breakout spaces for workplaces across a variety of sectors. To see our previous work, take a look at our portfolio.

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Private Pods are Necessary

Whilst many have shown a desire for their office to have a social aspect, the value of having a quiet place to concentrate is predominant at 69%.

Enclosed office spaces by Glenside

This doesn’t mean that everyone needs their own office at work, but just that most employees would value having a quieter space to crack on with tasks–which is why giving them that option could be hugely beneficial. This can be done by installing sound-proof rooms for video calls, or just by providing private pods or booths for quiet working. 

Whatever it is that you decide, Glenside has the experience and knowledge to design and install the solution best suited to your workplace. Get in touch without our team to find out more.

At Glenside, we have transformed countless workplaces to suit the changing needs of businesses across the home counties. Visit our showroom today for your design consultation.

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